Check out our blog post below for our 2024 Shades of Fall Winners. Thank you for another fantastic show!
Congratulations to our Board Member and Secretary, Angela Cavadas, for her recipience of the Margaret Stephens Volunteer Excellence Award 2024! Angela has been on the Board for over 20 years, and has shown long-term hard work and dedication. Her hard work on detailed meeting minutes and project input is always greatly appreciated. Thank you for everything you have done for the CACR, Angela!
We are excited to announce our Shades of Fall Art Exhibition (previously Midsummer Arts Dream) is running on November 8th to 11th, 2024! Stop by Lansdowne Centre during mall hours in order to view a wide range of wonderful local works, or take a look at our virtual gallery below.
Midsummer Registration 2022
Open Now
We believe shaping the next generation requires expanding the accessibility of the arts for youth.
Who We Are
The Community Arts Council of Richmond has been supporting the arts, artists and artisans in Richmond, B.C. for over 50 years. Our purpose is to provide and broaden opportunities for citizens of all ages to participate in and benefit from the creative arts.

About Us
Learn about our story, mission, values, membership, and events.

Our Story
The Community Arts Council of Richmond [CACR] is a federally and provincially registered non-profit charity. Our purpose is to provide opportunities for citizens of all ages to participate in and benefit from the creative arts.

Art Programs
The Community Arts Council of Richmond is proud to support many programs that help promote the arts and make it accessible for everyone.

The Community Arts Council of Richmond’s members include artists, musicians, writers, small business owners, educators, and local arts organizations.

Support Us
If you would like to support the CACR and contribute to the arts in Richmond, we also welcome contributions outside of a membership.
Richmond Arts Council
The Community Arts Council of Richmond is proud to support many programs that help promote the arts and make it accessible for everyone.